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Barwoman of the Week
Katerina Fili - Voutsen
Movember 1 , 20

Name: Katerina
Surname: Fili - Voutsen
Bar: Ambient with a view to Corinthiakos
Drink: Martini on ice.
Cocktail: Margarita
Shot: YellowTequila
Music Type: Mainstream (pop)
If I wasn’t what I am I would be: Brandt Pitt’s girlfriend.
I like: Singing.
I hate: Men who don’t show their true self.
My type of man must: unknown, ugly and must not look at other women.
Ideal man: My boss.
The most original way someone has flirted me: According to the serial “Love Sorry” someone has told me: “How are you today?” (raffishly like Sakis the plumber).
My relation to computers: Rare and when I use it I get into chat rooms.

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