News · Barwoman of the WeekTzoFebruary 1 , 20aliki· Barman of the WeekTakis PergazisMovember 23 , 2aliki· Barwoman of the WeekNena GoloubovicMovember 16 , 2aliki· Barman of the WeekOdysseus GokasMovember 9 , 20aliki· Barwoman of the WeekKaterina Fili - VoutsenMovember 1 , 20aliki· Barman of the WeekVasilis KapogiannisOctober 30 , 20aliki· Barwoman of the WeekTzina SidiropoulouOctober 19 , 20aliki· Barman of the WeekIlias KotsaridisOctober 12 , 20aliki· Barman of the WeekDimitris TseliosSeptember 21aliki· Barwoman of the WeekTzeni MousaSeptember 21aliki
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